The Editorial Board of the Innovations in Materials: Current & Future journaltakes rigorous measures to assess the originality, reliability of information, and proper citation practices in submitted manuscripts. The Editorial Board acknowledges that plagiarism is unacceptable and, therefore, has established the following policies to outline specific actions should plagiarism be detected in a manuscript submitted for publication in the Innovations in Materials: Current & Future journal.
Plagiarism, in any form—whether through the uncredited use of substantial portions of another's work, presenting another’s article as one’s own, or claiming results from research conducted by others—constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is strictly prohibited. Authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is entirely original and free from any instance of plagiarism. All authors are strongly encouraged to use plagiarism detection software to check for similarity. Care must be taken to ensure that the work has not been previously published in any language and is not simultaneously submitted to other journals, as multiple submissions are also prohibited.
If any of the above unethical practices are detected by the Editorial Office or by one of the reviewers, the manuscript will be immediately rejected. The Editorial Board will then contact the author(s) to request an explanation and require the removal or correction of the plagiarized content. If the author(s) fail to respond within a reasonable timeframe or do not make the necessary amendments, the editors of other journals (in the case of multiple submissions) and the author(s)' respective institutions will be notified. Furthermore, the author(s) will be blacklisted and barred from submitting future manuscripts to the Innovations in Materials: Current & Future journal.
If plagiarism is reported after the publication of an article, the case will be investigated by the Editorial Board. If substantial plagiarism is confirmed, the article will be retracted from the journal’s archives, and the author(s)' respective institutions will be informed. The author(s) will also be blacklisted.